Tuesday, April 15, 2008

small lost tidbit

Q: "Were Karl and Rousseau shot by evil others guarding the temple?"
A: "I think that's probably not be the case" (Damon Lindelof)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

lost spoilers

Ganked from various sites (mostly spoilerslost.blogspot.com)

Here is a little scoop for you all from a contact who has always provided me with excellent filming information.

- A Big scene is being planned for filming currently involving the Rescue
- The Freighter people are NOT the ones that do the rescuing
- The Season finale will leave you ballistic as far as cliffhangers go.

So who does rescue the Oceanic 6? I'm guessing Penny.

Also a body will wash ashore when the show returns in a couple weeks, which Jack will try to identify. The consensus is that it will be regina, but could also be Mikhail or Charlie.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

There's nothing like having roughly $400 worth of clothes stolen from the laundry room. That and oh...EVERY towel you own. Seriously, what kind of low-life steals towels? They weren't even good towels. All I gotta say is I'm gonna be checking every unattended load in the dryer there. If I see anyone wearing my stuff or find it in a dryer load, the person I find with it is going to have a very bad day. How ghetto can you get? We replaced most of it all yesterday. Got some good stuff too, but I liked the stuff I had and now my cc balance is about $350 further out than it was supposed to be. This came at a really bad time as well, as we're planning a trip down the coast in about a month and a half.