Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"I, loner" or "I don't need you"

I've always preferred the company of myself or a choice few personal friends. Whenever I mention going out to do something entertaining with only myself, people always look at me as if I have horns and 3 heads.

When did we become so goddamned dependent? Why is it weird to go out in public with no more than the company of your own thoughts? When I used to go clubbing more often, there was a certain circle of people that no matter what the night, you could always count on them being there. Being friends with all of them, it made no sense to call them up beforehand and make any kind of plans to meet up somewhere we both knew we'd wind up anyhow, yet people would always look at me strange for not doing so. I mean fuck, you're gonna be there, I'm gonna be there...see ya there.

Whoever said that drinking by yourself is a sign of alcoholism does not recognize the value of enjoying a few beers and people-watching. I've met a lot of cool people that I still keep in touch with today, just by being the guy sitting by himself with his eyes open, occasionally throwing a few humorous or well-intentioned-but-sarcastically humorous comments into a nearby conversation. On St. Patty's day, I decided to go to the Roanoke by myself, bought a round of car-bombs for myself and a couple sitting next to me and wound up bs'ing with them all night. Good times.

Friday, March 21, 2008

you can learn a lot about people from stupid facebook apps

A few months back in a frenzy to escape boredom, I would pretty much install any stupid appplication I received a request for. One of which a sort of "hot or not" type of thing. You login, are shown a pair of photos with a series of buttons on each one to do different things (msg, more info, etc). You click on the photo you think is hotter, and are shown another pair, and so on. The more you vote, the more votes you receive. People can respond by hitting a "slap" button or "thank you" button, or they can send yo an actual message and a few other things I'm not feeling inclined to look up at the moment. It's kind of stupid and mindless, but somewhat amusing. What I've gathered so far:

- Middle-aged women are very sensitive to being reminded they are not as hot anymore as 20-somethings in the prime of their youth.

A little dose of reality: after 50 (being generous here), unless you are one of the gifted few who "look younger" naturally, obsessively gear your whole life to looking youthful, or drop 6 figures a year on botox, surgery, and all that crap to maintain that young, vibrant appearance, the younger women will always be hotter. That's life. There are certain people I just kind of expect to be looked over for, particularly given the majority demographic of women voting there is in the 20-26 range. When a picture of some buff, tan fightclub-era-Brad-Pitt-lookalike in a bathing suit comes up along side mine, I don't care if the person voting is young, old, fat, thin, beautiful, or homely, I know whose taking that one, and it isn't Mr. Clean over here. We're all wired that way.

- A lot of people seem to have a somewhat misguided idea of what constitutes "hot" (as opposed to "cute" or "pretty").

There are a lot of family photos (w/kids & pets), wedding pictures, etc. I'm sorry, but the day I find a soccer mom with her kids and the family dog hotter than a short skirt and a pair of "fuck me" eyes, I hope there is someone at the ready to put a bullet in my head.

- The entire female population of Finland has a collective fetish for 35 y/o pale, bald guys.

Heh, I'm certainly not complaining, I just find, amusingly-unusual. Among americans, I'm pretty much a dud on there. For most of Europe and the rest of the world, I do about 50/50, slightly better among women around South America and the Former Yugoslavia (Serbia & Croatia in particular), but among women in Finland, I nail it damn near every time. That's right, buff & beachware-laden beefcakes: You got 270 (give or take) countries to score hotties in, but I am The King of Finland. THE KING!!! YOU HEAR ME?!?!?! KNEEL BEFORE KING DAN, YOU METROSEXUAL CANDY-ASSES!! Heh, if I ever travel to europe any time soon, I can tell you where my first destination will be, and it ain't Paris.

- Women showing off cleavage get really offended if you are not impressed and vote for someone lesser endowed

Some guys are slaves to tits. It doesn't matter what the rest of you looks like, if you've got two basketball-sized whoppers under your shirt, they'll be dragging their tongues along the ground every time you walk by. I am not one of these guys. If I had to categorize my preference, I would say I'm more of "the bigger picture" sort. However, I generally tend to notice: face, legs, hips, & ass (in that order), but not any one of those things or combination there of will make or break a physical attraction for me. I have no preference for hair color, eye color, long hair, short hair, thin, curvy, athletic, ethnicity, etc. Boobs are nice, but little more than window dressing. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on that one.

- The definition of "relevance" is lost on a lot of young Serbian women

The former Yugoslavia is a part of the world we don't hear much about here in the U.S., unless it involves conflict, (which never seems to be in short supply). That said, I was amazed at the number of seriously hot women from that part of the world. I would say about 1/3 of the ones from Serbia however, all had, "Kosovo IS Serbia" added to their hot-or-not photo. Yeah...uh, what the fuck does that have to do with rice in china? Is this really the appropriate place to make a political statement? That's like watching a porno and in the middle of the action, they stop to debate the finer points of Barack Obama vs. Hillary Clinton. Time & place ladies.

- A lot of teenage girls out there could gain immensely from a swift back-hand (I'm sure this applies to boys as well, but I wouldn't know first hand)

Nothing too showy or dramatic, just a quick 5-across-the-eyes along with a stern reminder to your 15 year old daughter that a 35 year old man was a junior in college when you were born, and you should not be trying to flirt with him. I can't count the number of teenage girls that have tried to flirt with me on there. It's disturbing. You wonder why the internet is such a springboard for pedophilia? Your teenage daughters make stalking obsolete. I don't care what the age of consent is in your country (though plenty from the U.S.), if The first digit in your age is less than 2, I don't even want to talk to you you.