Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The wait is almost over

Lost (aka "the only reason to turn on your television, ever") returns tomorrow night. I've already read the big spoiler. I've failed yet, again. I'm still anticipating a good show however. Also, Doc Jensen's column has returned on Why anyone cares is beyond me. These were the four things he'd like to learn more about from the show:

1. The four-toed statue (mildly interesting)
2. The whispers (actually interesting)

3. The pile of unclaimed Pearl Station diaries (not a mystery: After Ben wiped out the dharma initiative, there was obviously no one left to retrieve them).

4. Desmond's inability to escape The Island after the castaways relieved him of button-pushing duty (not a huge mystery. We know the island breaks compass headings, magnetic interference, etc)

5. Why Mr. Friendly (may he rest in fake-bearded peace) told Kate, ''You're not my type.'' (who cares?)

I'd like to see answers to real questions:

1. Who was in the coffin?
2. Who got off the island and why?
3. Smoke Monster: wtf?
4. What do the noobs want with the island?
5. Why doesn't Richard age?
6. What happened to Michael & Walt
7. Was the "discovery" of flight 815 a cover-up? Why?
8. Does Penny find Desmond?
9. Jacob: what's the deal with that guy?

Monday, January 28, 2008


If you haven't followed, they've been running a series of "mobisodes" (mobile episodes) which are little 30-60 second tidbits, released by verizon wireless, downloadable by phone. They're supposed to be the "missing pieces" of lost. Most of them are irrelevant BS. One of them has some guy approaching hurley and telling him if he doesn't make a move on libby soon, he's gonna. General pointless shit like that. Anyway, they've progressively gotten a little better. One with Ben and Alex was pretty good, another with Jack and Ben. For the final mobisode, they've released this. I've heard some spoilerish info about Jack's dad in Season 4 that is super "wtf?!?!?", this kind of accentuates that.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Is anyone else sick of being reminded that we should be happy because Europe & Canada have it much worse? If the oil companies were taking it in the shorts (in lieu of posting record profits), I might buy that a little more, but it's kind of stupid to assume that because we could be worse off, we should be happy with our current predicament. That's kinda like telling a rape victim, "Hey, you should be happy. At least they didn't murder you like that other person over there!"

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


China: you are FIRED from making candy!

caroline said the "p" word

Now I have this song stuck in my head

Saturday, January 12, 2008

lost sneak peak

less than six degrees: seattle = small town

My new favorite bar is The Spitfire. It was formerly the Sit n' Spin. It's a nice place, but I think I like it mainly because I can always get parking close by (4th ave), unlike most bars around 1st or 2nd in belltown. My friend Tony had been bugging me to check the place out for a while. I never did out of general belltown burnout. The owner is a personal friend and business partner of his (when he owned the baltic). As it turns out, the manager of the place is an old high school friend of mine. I went in there last night, the manager (old hs friend) introduces me to some people, one of which a woman, I immediatley recognized from when she used to date a former co-worker of mine from mobliss, and used to see her after work at the Contour.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008


* adds Dubai to list of "must see" places

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Monday, January 7, 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008


I bought the dvd "the island" about a year ago. I loved the music, but I wanted to hear something more "matrix"-ish, so I made "sucker" and sampled the crap out of the movie for it, as well as some pieces taken from the samples provided on disc 2 of Haujobb's "The Matrix", quite possibly making this the most stolen song/video ever published. I'd never made a video before, and just bought a new mac with imovie and thought I'd slap something together for the hell of it, so here is my own seizure-inducer. For some reason, the last 40 seconds will not render on youtube..