Saturday, January 12, 2008

less than six degrees: seattle = small town

My new favorite bar is The Spitfire. It was formerly the Sit n' Spin. It's a nice place, but I think I like it mainly because I can always get parking close by (4th ave), unlike most bars around 1st or 2nd in belltown. My friend Tony had been bugging me to check the place out for a while. I never did out of general belltown burnout. The owner is a personal friend and business partner of his (when he owned the baltic). As it turns out, the manager of the place is an old high school friend of mine. I went in there last night, the manager (old hs friend) introduces me to some people, one of which a woman, I immediatley recognized from when she used to date a former co-worker of mine from mobliss, and used to see her after work at the Contour.

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