Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I've been getting a lot of flyby comments on here. I wish this thing had the "friends" feature livejournal did, to restrict commenting to certain people.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Trish and I decided to give skimboarding a shot at ocean shores this weekend. I'd never so much looked at a skimboard, let alone tried it, but I can snowboard, and I used to skate when I was a teenager, so how hard could this be?

Well, hard enough to land on both my ass and face a few times. I jammed my left elbow a good one when I accidentally stiff-armed trying to break my fall. It's still pretty sore, along with a zillion other bumps and owies. Eventually got the hang of it, at least enough to get some good distance and stay on my feet. Trish didn't have as much luck. Her fear of wiping out was a bit of a factor. She wouldn't run up on it. Instead, she would throw it down slowly, run up TO it, and wind up just planting it in the sand. It's kind of the inevitable rule of all water/snow sports or anything else that requires balance: everybody falls starting out.

The water was surprisingly warm. The Washington Coast is generally not warm, or even "comfortable", but it was that day.

I found out that there are two different types of boards: flatland and waveboards. I'd really like to get a waveboard, but we don't really have the kind of waves that you need for it here. I don't know if it's worth a $300 investment for something I might take out once a year.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm never talking to foreigners again

I'm not, nor will I ever be one of those flag-waving, "GODDAMN I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN" sorts with "love it or leave it" bumper stickers on my car, but jesus fucking christ...

Ordinarily, I'm a friendly guy. I'll talk to almost anyone. I was at a coffee shop in Belltown earlier and wound up in a conversation with some guys from France. In the right spirit, I'm also accepting of playful criticism of the U.S. I mean, if something's true, well, it's true. There's no point in denying it. I have a sense of humor. If it's true and funny, I can laugh at it.

There's always one jerk in these bunches though, who gets real confrontational about the whole thing. It always starts with, "Americans are fat", "Americans are stupid", "You're president is an idiot". as if I'm some kind of Ambassador to the rest of the country. Like I'm gonna go stand in the middle of westlake on a scaffold with a bull-horn, "Hey everybody, I have a message from France: They want me to tell you they think we're fat, stupid, and Bush is a retard".

-Seattle is one of the most literate cities in the U.S. (we've since dropped to #2)
-Seattle has consistently been one of the fittest cities in the U.S. (again, we've dropped to #2)
-Seattle has overwhelmingly been liberal-democrat for as long as I've been alive

I can't speak for the rest of the country.

And then, then the inevitable, "Why is American football, called football when you carry it with your hands". Tell ya what asshole, go dig up Walter Camp and ask him, will ya? I don't know. Watch a rugby game sometime? Note similarities. Stfu.

This of course, is always followed by gripes about the quality of domestic, American beer. I don't know what to say, except maybe "We sell imports too, asshole!"

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

and home...

Vacation was fun, but exhausting. I can't remember the last time I spent that much time in the passenger seat of a car. A grand total of nearly 40 hours on the road.

There is not a damn thing to be said for Eureka, CA. It's an ugly shithole. It was nothing more than a waypoint for us. Had I known how shitty Eureka has become, I probably would have toughed out another couple hours on the road and stayed somewhere further in, but we were tired. It seemed like a decent enough place to park it for the night. We were whooped from 12 hours on the road and wanted nothing more than to park it, grab a pitcher, a meal, and crash.

San Francisco was great, but would have been more so if we didn't have to pack a bunch of activity into about a day and a half. Trish has never been to California, so we did all the usual tourist stuff: Alcatraz, dinner down by the grotto, shopping in Union Square, went to Golden Gate park, drove down Lombard "the crookedest street in the world". Trish didn't care for the city's color scheme, I thought it gave it warmth. I like the hispanic influence on the architecture. I thought it gave the city a lot of character. I forgot how pretty Sonoma county is, driving on the way in with all of the vibrant colors: the red rocks and soil contrasted with the desert flowers, and vinyards. I really like the energy of San Francisco. My only problem with SF proper was and still is that the city feels very compressed. I almost felt claustrophobic. SF makes me think of what Seattle would be like if you were to remove lake union, the ship canal, and portage bay, then squish Queen Anne, Capitol Hill, Fremont, Ballard, wallingford, and the U-Dist all together, make all roads two-lane, and remove every left turn arrow in the city.

Butch clearly did not enjoy himself in San Francisco. I've never seen him so stressed out just being somewhere other than home before. The lack of trees, grass, and shrubbery in the city was kind of a pain, considering that he will only relieve himself on grass or bushes. He managed to get by and very early saturday we began on our way up to Yachats . He was much happier there. The atmosphere was much more his style and he had a big beach to run around on.

Day 1 in yachats, we got quite a bit of quality beach time in. You couldn't ask for a better view. I could literally throw a rock in the ocean from our back porch. We spent both nights with the deck door open, listening to the waves. Butch got to run his ass off and let out some pent up frustration of sitting in cars, motel rooms, and walking around a city he wasn't having much fun in. Later, Trish and I decided we had entirely too much money at our disposal, so we went to check out a casino in Florence, who gladly relieved us of some of it. It was kind of depressing. I was playing craps with a very simple strategy that had me up $70 at one point. The table ultimately went cold and I wound up taking it in the shorts about $45. I really need to learn when to walk away from a cold table.

The next day we woke up quite early. Trish took butch down on the beach to play for a little bit. Later, she came back and we went out to breakfast, got some pictures, and explored the nearby coast a little bit, and checked out a little market thing they had going on in town. Trish bought a necklace, I got some native american flute thing I thought was kinda neato looking. Also, it's bamboo and sounds a lot like a shakuhachi, but is less difficult to play (or blow into anyhow, you have to play a shakuhachi like a trumpet, this thing actually has a mouthpiece). Mid afternoon, I took a nap, Trish took butch for another beach trip, came back and spent the rest of the afternoon laying on the deck, drinking wine, and listening to reggae. I got up a little later, we went for mexican food later, came back, watched a movie and called it a night.

Yesterday we got up and headed out around 7:30 and made another 10+ hour trek home, stopping at a few points along the way for photos. We got breakfast in Lincoln City, Butch got one last little bit of play time on Arcadia Beach (just south of Cannon Beach), Trish got pics of the rock formations. We stopped again in Cannon Beach so Trish could get more pictures of big rocks and continued home. We hit some really nasty traffic in Olympia that set us back about 45 min.

One of the funniest things on the trip was the look on Butch's face when we got off the exit near home at lakeview blvd. His ears perked up and he got this big grin, noticing something that looks familiar. Today, he either seems really depressed or worn out. Probably a bit of both. He was a bit stressed out for much of the trip, but it was probably a bit exciting seeing new things, now he's back to normal life at home.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

small lost tidbit

Q: "Were Karl and Rousseau shot by evil others guarding the temple?"
A: "I think that's probably not be the case" (Damon Lindelof)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

lost spoilers

Ganked from various sites (mostly

Here is a little scoop for you all from a contact who has always provided me with excellent filming information.

- A Big scene is being planned for filming currently involving the Rescue
- The Freighter people are NOT the ones that do the rescuing
- The Season finale will leave you ballistic as far as cliffhangers go.

So who does rescue the Oceanic 6? I'm guessing Penny.

Also a body will wash ashore when the show returns in a couple weeks, which Jack will try to identify. The consensus is that it will be regina, but could also be Mikhail or Charlie.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

There's nothing like having roughly $400 worth of clothes stolen from the laundry room. That and oh...EVERY towel you own. Seriously, what kind of low-life steals towels? They weren't even good towels. All I gotta say is I'm gonna be checking every unattended load in the dryer there. If I see anyone wearing my stuff or find it in a dryer load, the person I find with it is going to have a very bad day. How ghetto can you get? We replaced most of it all yesterday. Got some good stuff too, but I liked the stuff I had and now my cc balance is about $350 further out than it was supposed to be. This came at a really bad time as well, as we're planning a trip down the coast in about a month and a half.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"I, loner" or "I don't need you"

I've always preferred the company of myself or a choice few personal friends. Whenever I mention going out to do something entertaining with only myself, people always look at me as if I have horns and 3 heads.

When did we become so goddamned dependent? Why is it weird to go out in public with no more than the company of your own thoughts? When I used to go clubbing more often, there was a certain circle of people that no matter what the night, you could always count on them being there. Being friends with all of them, it made no sense to call them up beforehand and make any kind of plans to meet up somewhere we both knew we'd wind up anyhow, yet people would always look at me strange for not doing so. I mean fuck, you're gonna be there, I'm gonna be there...see ya there.

Whoever said that drinking by yourself is a sign of alcoholism does not recognize the value of enjoying a few beers and people-watching. I've met a lot of cool people that I still keep in touch with today, just by being the guy sitting by himself with his eyes open, occasionally throwing a few humorous or well-intentioned-but-sarcastically humorous comments into a nearby conversation. On St. Patty's day, I decided to go to the Roanoke by myself, bought a round of car-bombs for myself and a couple sitting next to me and wound up bs'ing with them all night. Good times.

Friday, March 21, 2008

you can learn a lot about people from stupid facebook apps

A few months back in a frenzy to escape boredom, I would pretty much install any stupid appplication I received a request for. One of which a sort of "hot or not" type of thing. You login, are shown a pair of photos with a series of buttons on each one to do different things (msg, more info, etc). You click on the photo you think is hotter, and are shown another pair, and so on. The more you vote, the more votes you receive. People can respond by hitting a "slap" button or "thank you" button, or they can send yo an actual message and a few other things I'm not feeling inclined to look up at the moment. It's kind of stupid and mindless, but somewhat amusing. What I've gathered so far:

- Middle-aged women are very sensitive to being reminded they are not as hot anymore as 20-somethings in the prime of their youth.

A little dose of reality: after 50 (being generous here), unless you are one of the gifted few who "look younger" naturally, obsessively gear your whole life to looking youthful, or drop 6 figures a year on botox, surgery, and all that crap to maintain that young, vibrant appearance, the younger women will always be hotter. That's life. There are certain people I just kind of expect to be looked over for, particularly given the majority demographic of women voting there is in the 20-26 range. When a picture of some buff, tan fightclub-era-Brad-Pitt-lookalike in a bathing suit comes up along side mine, I don't care if the person voting is young, old, fat, thin, beautiful, or homely, I know whose taking that one, and it isn't Mr. Clean over here. We're all wired that way.

- A lot of people seem to have a somewhat misguided idea of what constitutes "hot" (as opposed to "cute" or "pretty").

There are a lot of family photos (w/kids & pets), wedding pictures, etc. I'm sorry, but the day I find a soccer mom with her kids and the family dog hotter than a short skirt and a pair of "fuck me" eyes, I hope there is someone at the ready to put a bullet in my head.

- The entire female population of Finland has a collective fetish for 35 y/o pale, bald guys.

Heh, I'm certainly not complaining, I just find, amusingly-unusual. Among americans, I'm pretty much a dud on there. For most of Europe and the rest of the world, I do about 50/50, slightly better among women around South America and the Former Yugoslavia (Serbia & Croatia in particular), but among women in Finland, I nail it damn near every time. That's right, buff & beachware-laden beefcakes: You got 270 (give or take) countries to score hotties in, but I am The King of Finland. THE KING!!! YOU HEAR ME?!?!?! KNEEL BEFORE KING DAN, YOU METROSEXUAL CANDY-ASSES!! Heh, if I ever travel to europe any time soon, I can tell you where my first destination will be, and it ain't Paris.

- Women showing off cleavage get really offended if you are not impressed and vote for someone lesser endowed

Some guys are slaves to tits. It doesn't matter what the rest of you looks like, if you've got two basketball-sized whoppers under your shirt, they'll be dragging their tongues along the ground every time you walk by. I am not one of these guys. If I had to categorize my preference, I would say I'm more of "the bigger picture" sort. However, I generally tend to notice: face, legs, hips, & ass (in that order), but not any one of those things or combination there of will make or break a physical attraction for me. I have no preference for hair color, eye color, long hair, short hair, thin, curvy, athletic, ethnicity, etc. Boobs are nice, but little more than window dressing. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on that one.

- The definition of "relevance" is lost on a lot of young Serbian women

The former Yugoslavia is a part of the world we don't hear much about here in the U.S., unless it involves conflict, (which never seems to be in short supply). That said, I was amazed at the number of seriously hot women from that part of the world. I would say about 1/3 of the ones from Serbia however, all had, "Kosovo IS Serbia" added to their hot-or-not photo. Yeah...uh, what the fuck does that have to do with rice in china? Is this really the appropriate place to make a political statement? That's like watching a porno and in the middle of the action, they stop to debate the finer points of Barack Obama vs. Hillary Clinton. Time & place ladies.

- A lot of teenage girls out there could gain immensely from a swift back-hand (I'm sure this applies to boys as well, but I wouldn't know first hand)

Nothing too showy or dramatic, just a quick 5-across-the-eyes along with a stern reminder to your 15 year old daughter that a 35 year old man was a junior in college when you were born, and you should not be trying to flirt with him. I can't count the number of teenage girls that have tried to flirt with me on there. It's disturbing. You wonder why the internet is such a springboard for pedophilia? Your teenage daughters make stalking obsolete. I don't care what the age of consent is in your country (though plenty from the U.S.), if The first digit in your age is less than 2, I don't even want to talk to you you.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lost Scoopage from Ask Ausiello

Question: What can you tell us about the character dying on Lost? Have they been on the show since the beginning?— Bonasi
Ausiello: Yes, this person is an original 815er. And as far as major Lost deaths go, this one veers from tradition in one significant way.

I have nothing to base this on, but I'm betting whoever gets it dies in a flash-forward. There's speculation on Jin or Sun.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


One of the shared conference rooms downstairs has a big bush in front of the window. Apparently one of the other offices in the building had a 7am meeting in there. Behind the bush (right in front of the window) was a homeless man, passed out, with his ding-dong hanging out of their pants. I would have love to have seen the sheer look of terror on people's faces having to see that as soon as the lights went on.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

what the...

I've never witnessed extreme violence (shootings, stabbing, murder, etc) except for in movies and I avoid pop music like rape.

I dreamt I got shot in a drive-by last night while listening to Nelly Furtado. I've only heard that stupid "promiscuous girl" song once in a movie and I wouldn't have known it was Nelly Furtado if not for Trish. The only time I've ever seen her was a quick glimpse on the today show.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Last "Lost" post for a while

and of course by "a while", I mean until ep2 airs.

On the web based version of the show (the ARG as it's called) during season 2, we learned that the Hanso Foundation had become overrun with corrupt businessmen. Some of whom were even convicted criminals. Toward the end of the ARG in the summer break between seasons 2 & 3, we found out that Alvar Hanso had been taken captive. In Season 3 we found out that Ben, along with the people who were to become "the others", killed the dharma initiative members using some sort of gas attack. In the promos for episode 2 of season 4, we find out that the people from the freighter have brought gas masks with them to the island.
I'm wondering these people somehow aware of what Ben did and decided to pack a few extra things along as a precaution.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I, lost addict

So I finished all of the chapters/games on The payoff was kind of lame. You're searching the ocean floor in some kind of RC exploratory vehicle. What do you find? Plane wreckage. Whoopi already let the cat out of the bag on "The View" that there was fake wreckage placed at an assumed crash site, presumably to engineer the hoax that the wreckage had been found and there were no survivors.

This one from

"new 02/03 - In the second episode, Locke will ask Ben flat out what the "black monster" is (yes, Locke uses those words). Source: TV Squad"

For Caroline

Sheds some interesting light on the jacks-dad-in-jacobs-chair thing

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The wait is almost over

Lost (aka "the only reason to turn on your television, ever") returns tomorrow night. I've already read the big spoiler. I've failed yet, again. I'm still anticipating a good show however. Also, Doc Jensen's column has returned on Why anyone cares is beyond me. These were the four things he'd like to learn more about from the show:

1. The four-toed statue (mildly interesting)
2. The whispers (actually interesting)

3. The pile of unclaimed Pearl Station diaries (not a mystery: After Ben wiped out the dharma initiative, there was obviously no one left to retrieve them).

4. Desmond's inability to escape The Island after the castaways relieved him of button-pushing duty (not a huge mystery. We know the island breaks compass headings, magnetic interference, etc)

5. Why Mr. Friendly (may he rest in fake-bearded peace) told Kate, ''You're not my type.'' (who cares?)

I'd like to see answers to real questions:

1. Who was in the coffin?
2. Who got off the island and why?
3. Smoke Monster: wtf?
4. What do the noobs want with the island?
5. Why doesn't Richard age?
6. What happened to Michael & Walt
7. Was the "discovery" of flight 815 a cover-up? Why?
8. Does Penny find Desmond?
9. Jacob: what's the deal with that guy?

Monday, January 28, 2008


If you haven't followed, they've been running a series of "mobisodes" (mobile episodes) which are little 30-60 second tidbits, released by verizon wireless, downloadable by phone. They're supposed to be the "missing pieces" of lost. Most of them are irrelevant BS. One of them has some guy approaching hurley and telling him if he doesn't make a move on libby soon, he's gonna. General pointless shit like that. Anyway, they've progressively gotten a little better. One with Ben and Alex was pretty good, another with Jack and Ben. For the final mobisode, they've released this. I've heard some spoilerish info about Jack's dad in Season 4 that is super "wtf?!?!?", this kind of accentuates that.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Is anyone else sick of being reminded that we should be happy because Europe & Canada have it much worse? If the oil companies were taking it in the shorts (in lieu of posting record profits), I might buy that a little more, but it's kind of stupid to assume that because we could be worse off, we should be happy with our current predicament. That's kinda like telling a rape victim, "Hey, you should be happy. At least they didn't murder you like that other person over there!"

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


China: you are FIRED from making candy!

caroline said the "p" word

Now I have this song stuck in my head

Saturday, January 12, 2008

lost sneak peak

less than six degrees: seattle = small town

My new favorite bar is The Spitfire. It was formerly the Sit n' Spin. It's a nice place, but I think I like it mainly because I can always get parking close by (4th ave), unlike most bars around 1st or 2nd in belltown. My friend Tony had been bugging me to check the place out for a while. I never did out of general belltown burnout. The owner is a personal friend and business partner of his (when he owned the baltic). As it turns out, the manager of the place is an old high school friend of mine. I went in there last night, the manager (old hs friend) introduces me to some people, one of which a woman, I immediatley recognized from when she used to date a former co-worker of mine from mobliss, and used to see her after work at the Contour.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008


* adds Dubai to list of "must see" places

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Monday, January 7, 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008


I bought the dvd "the island" about a year ago. I loved the music, but I wanted to hear something more "matrix"-ish, so I made "sucker" and sampled the crap out of the movie for it, as well as some pieces taken from the samples provided on disc 2 of Haujobb's "The Matrix", quite possibly making this the most stolen song/video ever published. I'd never made a video before, and just bought a new mac with imovie and thought I'd slap something together for the hell of it, so here is my own seizure-inducer. For some reason, the last 40 seconds will not render on youtube..